Najnovija naučna dostignuća u fizici, BG

23. mart 2018.
23. mart 2018.

NAJNOVIJA NAUČNA DOSTIGNUĆA U FIZICI - međunarodni naučni skup (23/24.3.2018.)




Main Hall of the Serbian Academy of Scinces and Arts (SASA), Knez Mihailova 35/II

09:30-10:00 Opening

Vladimir Kostić, President of the SASA

Petar Adžić, Governor of the Foundation


10:05-10:50 John Ellis, Kings College London and CERN

Title of the talk: Particle physics, present and future


10:55-11:25 coffee break


11:30-13:00 Ceremony of the “Marko Jarić” prize Award for 2017

Opening: Milivoj Belić, Deputy president of Governing Board

Report of the Award Committee: Zoran Radović

The prize award to the winner

Lecture of the winner


Faculty of Physics of University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 12-16/III (Block C)

13:30-15:00 coctail


Student’s library of Faculty of Physics/Faculty of Physics of University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 12-16/III (Blok C), Physics amphitheatre 661

15:00-16:40 The Award laureates: IVAN BOŽOVIĆ, MIODRAG KULIĆ, LEONARDO GOLUBOVIĆ - lectures on their latest research results and achievements


16:45-17:15 coffee break


17:20-19:00 The Award laureates: ZORAN LJ. PETROVIĆ, MILAN DAMNJANOVIĆ, BOSILJKA TADIĆ - lectures on their latest research results and achievements





Faculty of Physics of University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 12-16/III (Blok C), Physics amphitheatre 661

10:00-12:15 The Award laureates: ZORAN RADOVIĆ, VLADIMIR DOBROSAVLJEVIĆ, ČEDOMIR PETROVIĆ, VLATKO VEDRAL - lectures on their latest research results and achievements


12:20-12:50 coffee break


12:55-15:10 The Award laureates: DEJAN STOJKOVIĆ, JELENA VUČKOVIĆ, VLADAN VULETIĆ, ČASLAV BRUKNER - lectures on their latest research results and achievements


19:00-22:30 Symposium dinner


organizacija: Fondacija „Prof. dr Marko V. Jarić“, Fizički fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu

Aleksandra Šaranović, BG
Boris Greiner, ZG