Udruženje vizuelnih umetnika Užica (UVUU) raspisalo je konkurs za drugo izdanje festivala savremene umetnosti “Videopark”, koji će biti održan u avgustu 2019. godine u Užicu na temu ''Rewritting the past''.
Rok za prijavljivanje je 15. jul 2019.
Videopark je festival savremene umetnosti internacionalnog karaktera posvećen promociji audiovizuelne umetnosti (videa, animacije i pokretne slike).
Tema ovogodišnjeg festivala usmerena je ka autorima koji u svom radu istražuju društvo postistine, medijsku manipulaciju, te odnose sadašnjosti i prošlosti, emocije i činjenice, realnosti i imaginacije.
Za konkurs je potrebno dostaviti:
- kratku biografiju
- link ka video radu Dropbox, Youtube, Vimeo itd. (uključujući i šifre ako ih ima)
- opis rada - stejtment do 250 reči
Uslovi prijavljivanja:
- video ne sme biti duži od 20 minuta
- u obzir se uzimaju samo jednokanalni video radovi
- prihvataju se radovi nastali u poslednje 3 godine
Sva dokumentacija mora biti dostavljena u jednom PDF dokumentu i to u formi *IME_NAZIV RADA
Konkursni materijal treba poslati na adresu fsuvideopark@gmail.com sa naznakom “Za Festival savremene umetnosti VIDEOPARK”.
Nakon odluke selekcionog žirija, autori će biti obavešteni o rezultatima konkursa putem e-maila.
*Please find the Open call in English below
The Association of Visual Artists Užice (UVUU) is launching an open call for the second edition of the contemporary art festival "Videopark", which will be held in August 2019 in Užice (Serbia) on the theme "Rewriting the Past".
The deadline for registration is July 15, 2019.
Videopark is an international festival of contemporary art dedicated to the promotion of audiovisual art (video, animation and moving images).
This year theme is intendent for authors who are questioning the post-truth society, media manipulation, the relationship between present and the past, emotions and facts, reality and imagination.
- Short biography
- Link to the video Dropbox, YouTube, Vimeo…(including passwords if any)
- Statement description - hold up to 250 words
Work requirements:
- The video shall not be longer than 20 minutes
- Only one-channel video works are taken into consideration
- Only works created in the last 3 years are acceptable
All documentation must be submitted in one PDF file in the form * NAME_NAME OF THE WORK
Send PDF application to fsuvideopark@gmail.com with the mention "For the Contemporary Art Festival VIDEOPARK".
After the jury selection makes a decision, authors will be informed of the results by e-mail.
Kontakt/Contact: Fb UVUU