ERGstatus plesni teatar osnovan je 1998. godine, kao edukativni projekat savremenog plesa. Od tada ovaj projekat je prerastao u nezavisnu organizaciju koja je svojim radom obeležena na mapi Srbije, ali i u regionu, kroz seminare, radionice i umetnički rad plesnog teatra. ERGstatus takodje radi i kao inkluzivna trupa sa igračima sa i bez invaliditeta.
Do danas ERGstatus je ostvario saradnju sa kompanijama i umetnicima iz raznih krajeva sveta - SAD, Japan, Australija, Izrael, Poljska, Nemačka, Slovenija, Holandija i mnoge druge, nastupajući na mnogim internacionalnim festivalima i susretima u zemlji i inostranstvu.
ERGstatus plesni teatar osvojio je Medalju UBUS-a od Udruženja baletskih umetnika Srbije i drugo mesto na Festivalu koreografskih minijatura 2000. godine u Narodnom pozorištu u Beogradu.
ERGstatus plesni teatar
Birčaninova 2, 11000 Beograd
t: +381.64.1517425
Predstava "Psi" (Dogs), ideja i koreografija Boris Čakširan, producent UK Vuk Karadžić
Predstava "Vetar prolazi kroz mene", foto: Goran Micevski
Predstava "Zvučna instalacija u 4 slike", foto: Iva Musović
Predstava "Walking Through Forms", foto: Boris Čakširan
ERGstatus seminar Kacura Kan, foto Nenad Milošević
ERGstatus Dance Theatre was established in 1998, as educational project of contemporary dance. Since then this project grove up as important independent organization in the fields of contemporary dance in Serbia and in the region of South East Europe consists of seminars, workshops and artistic production of ERGstatus Dance Theater as professional company. ERGstatus also works as integrated dance company with disabled and non-disabled dancers.
Upon today ERGstatus create collaboration with companies and artists from all over the world - USA, Japan, Australia, Israel, Poland, Germany, Slovenia, The Nederland and many other, as well as performed on many international festivals and meetings. ERGstatus Dance Theater won an UBUS Medallion from Association of Ballet Artists of Serbia and second place at Festival of Choreography Miniatures in 2000 in National Theater in Belgrade.
ERGstatus Dance Theatre
Birčaninova 2, 11000 Belgrade
t: +381.64.1517425