Kalendar Događaja

Klima i vodni resursi, BG

17. oktobar 2013.
17. oktobar 2013.
SANU, Beograd



08:00-9:00 Registration of participants
09:00-09:45 Opening ceremony, welcome addresses
Academician Fedor Mesinger, SASA (SANU)
Miodrag Pješčić, Director of Republic Directorate of Water, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Republic of Serbia
Prof. Dr. Milan Dimkić, Director of Institute for the Development of Water Resources “Jaroslav Cerni” and UNESCO Category II center (WSDAC) in Belgrade
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Demuth, UNESCO, Natural Sciences Sector, Division of Water Sciences, Chief Hydrological Systems and Global Change Section
Jasna Zrnović, Secretary-General of the Commission of the Republic of Serbia for UNESCO

09:45-10:15 Morning break

10:15-10:45 Keynote presentation by Chair
Fedor Mesinger: Why is the Current Global Warming Taking Place, and How Can We Foresee What Might Be Expected?

10:45-12:25 Keynote presentations by Co-chairs
Session Chair: Fedor Mesinger, Serbian Academician
Siegfried Demuth: Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Water Resources and How to Adapt
Milan A. Dimkić et al.: Water Management in South East European Countries in Transition Against Backdrop of Climate Changes
Slobodan Simonović and Evan G.R. Davies: Global Water Resources Modeling With an Integrated Model of the Social–Economic–Climate System: A Summary*
Hans-Peter Nachtnebel: Water Resources Under Pressure: Direct Human Interventions and Climate Change Impacts

12:25-12:40 Short break

12:40-13:35 Session Chair: Slobodan Simonović, Canadian Academician
Branislava Vasiljević et al.: Historical Overview and Different Methodologies Applied in Climate Change Studies
Hassan Abbas: The Possibilities of Restoring Water Dependent Ecology for the Indus River Basin Through Innovative Technologies and Long Term Policies
Pascal Breil and Biljana Radojević: Water Resources Management in Face of Urban Development and Climate Change: Can Ecohydrology Bring Some Issues?

13:35-14:45 Lunch break

14:45-16:30 Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Siegfried Demuth
Zoran Stevanović: Global Trend and Negative Synergy: Climate Changes and Groundwater Over-Extraction
Dejan Dimkić et al.: Climatic and Hydrological Changes and Importance of Observed Data
Farhad Yazdandoost et al.: Climate Change Impacts on IDF Curves
Vladimir Djurdjević and Aleksandra Krzić: High-Resolution Downscaling of ERA40 Reanalysis with Nonhydrostatic Regional NMMB Model
Milan Stojković et al.: Stochastic Modeling of Time Series of Mean Annual Discharge in the 21st century: Case Study of the River Ibar
Gado Djibo Abdouramane and Seidou Ousmane: Changes to Flow Regime on the Niger River at Koulikoro Under a Changing Climate

16:30-17:00 Afternoon break

17:00-18:30 Session Chair: Miodrag Milovanović
Nada Miljević and Dušan Golobočanin: Stable Isotopes as Record of Climatic Changes
Caşen Panaitescu: Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in River Basin Buzau, Romania
Roland Koeck and Eduard Hochbichler: Strategies for Adaptive Forest Management in Drinking Water Protected Areas Under Climate Change
Kostadinov Stanimir and Petrović Ana: Forests in Serbia as the Factor of Global Climate Changes Mitigation
Iman Babaeian: Climate Change Detection Over Iran and Indian Ocean Using GCM, Large Scale


09:00-11:00 Session Chair: Dr. Vladimir Đurđević
Fahimeh Mohammadi et al.: Improving RegCM4 Skill in Modeling Monthly Precipitation Using Statistical Post Processing: Case Study, Fars Province of Iran
Branislava Vasiljević et al.: Temporal Trend Assessment for Rainfall Frequency Analysis in Ontario, Canada
Ehsan Mosadegh et al.: Uncertainty Assessment of GCM Models in Predicting Temperature, Precipitation and Solar Radiation Under Climate Change Impact in Tehran, Iran
Sorin Cheval and Alexandru Dumitrescu: Climate Variability in the South-Eastern Europe (2021-2050)
Ivan Güttler et al.: Observed and Simulated Precipitation Interannual Variability at the Croatian Coast
Raimund Mair and Branislava Vasiljević: Climate Change Adaptation and Transboundary River Basin Management: Case Study: Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change for the Danube River Basin
Mary-Jeanne Adler: Climate Change and its Impact in Water Resources in Romania

11:00-11:30 Morning break

11:30-13:30 Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Nachtnebel
Gerhard Kuschnig et al.: CC-WaterS - Climate Change and Impacts on Water Supply
Stevan Prohaska et al.: Future State of Water Resources Assessment as a Consequence of Climate Change in Serbia
Gordana Milentijević et al.: The Impact of Acid Mine Drainage from Crnac Mine on the River Ibar Water Quality
Kadović Ratko et al.: Regional Climate Model: Impact of Climate Change for Soil Erosion and Conservation in Central Serbia
Milan Gocić et al.: Analysis of Drought Using SPEI and RDI Indices in Serbia Over the Period 1980–2010
Mladen Milanović et al.: Analysis of Hydrologic Drought in the Southeast Serbia for the Period 1961-2011
Dejan Dimkić et al.: Correlation Between Average Daily Temperatures and Production of Water in Water Supply System

13:30-14:30 Lunch break

14:30-16:30 Session Chair: Branislava Vasiljević, MSc
Željka Rudić et al.: Potential Agricultural Impact on Water Resources for Irrigation in Srem Region
Zoran Gavrilović et al.: The Effect of Forest on Runoff Regimes in Serbia
Vladimir Cvetković et al.: Climate Change as a Modern Security Threat
Ana Nikezić and Dragan Marković: Place-Based Pedagogy: Water Resources, Climate Change and Architectural Education
Božidar Stojanović et al.: Climate Change and Strategic Environmental Assessment in Serbia
Nka Nnomo B. et al.: Decennial Floods Trend in Burkina Faso’s Rivers Under Climate Change

16:30-17:00 Afternoon break

17:00-18:00 Concluding Session and Closing Ceremony

La Noche de Havana, BG
Umetnost in življenje, LJ