26. ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2018: KOLEKTIVizam (12-16.12.2018.)
15:00 ŠKOLA ANGAŽOVANOG KINA / THE SCHOOL OF ENGAGED CINEMA - predstavljanje platformе za kolektivni rad i razmenu znanja / presenting the platform for collective work and knowledge exchange
17:00 REMEMBERING IF STAF / SEĆANJE NA IF STAF - filmovi sa festivala IF STAF (1970-1974) / films from the IF STAF festival (1970-1974)
19:00 MARTA JELENA GLIŠIĆ (1980): LAYERS OF SELF - izložba / exhibition (12-19.12.2018.)
19:30 SLIKE IZ FILMA KOJI NEDOSTAJE: OBEĆANJA NOVE FORME / STILLS FROM A FILM THAT IS MISSING: PROMISES OF A NEW FORM - Istorija kino-klubova u Tunisu / Cine-clubs history in Tunisia - izložba / exhibition (12-19.12.2018.)
kustosi: Maria Iorio & Raphaël Cuomo (Švajcarska)
20:00 Otvaranje festivala / Festival opening
Takmičarski program #1 / Competition program #1 (88 min)
R_ don’t give an inch, Anne-Marie Bouchard (Canada, 2014, digital, 9’42)
Running in Circles, Ei Toshinari & Duy Nguyen (USA / Japan, 2018, digital, 4’20)
Urban Sculptures, Di Hu (China, 2017, digital, 6’15)
Community, Maja Hodošček (Slovenia, 2017, digital, 9’22)
Field of Infinity, Guli Silberstein (UK, 2018, digital, 5’22)
Scipio’s Elephants, David Pantaleón, Pilar Aldea (Spain, 2018, digital, 5’49)
Frequencies, Thomas Peeters (Belgium, 2018, digital, 12’50)
July, Ian Menoyot (France, 2017, digital, 2’25)
Manus x Machina x Moralia, Igor Simic (Serbia, 2018, digital, 8’50)
DizzyMess, Vivian Ostrovsky (USA, 2017, digital, 7’43)
A bar on Majorca, Marian Mayland (Germany, 2017, digital, 15’)
21:30 SO COOKIE - koncert/concert
11:00 Radionica/Workshop: Virtuelni film / Cinematic VR
mentori / mentors: Antonio Giacomin Fluido & Massimilano Borghesi
15.00 FILMSKE I VIDEO PRAKSE U REGIONU VOJVODINE / FILM AND VIDEO PRACTICES IN THE REGION OF VOJVODINA - izbor iz kolekcije Muzeja savremene umetnosti Vojvodine, Novi Sad / selected from the Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina’s collection
kustos / curated by: Gordana Nikolić + Q&A / razgovor sa kustoskinjom
kustosi / curated by: Hélène Bez, Claude Ciccolella + Q&A / razgovor sa kustosima
19:00 Takmičarski program #2 / Competition program #2 (87 min)
Gede Vizyon, Jefferson Kielwagen, Jean-Daniel Lafontant, Marcos Serafim and Steevens Simeon (Haiti and Brazil, 2018, digital, 15’)
3 Dreams of Horses, Mike Hoolboom (Canada, 2018, digital, 5’30)
Mixed Signals, Courtney Stephens (USA, 2018, digital, 8’45)
Traces:Birds, Jean-Michel ROLLAND (France, 2018, digital 1’00)
Trenodija za žrtve Hirošime, Zorko Sirotić (Croatia, 2018, digital, 9’50)
Instructions for making a film in an underdeveloped country, M. Dianela Torres (México, 2016, digital, 3’23)
Digital Trauma (And the Crystal Image), María Molina Peiró (Netherlands and Spain, 2018, digital, 8’10)
An Infinite Loop for Resistance, M. Woods (USA, 2017, digital, 5’41)
Unamerica - Relocating memories, Luise Schrroeder (Germany, 2018, digital, 16’31)
Empire Valey, Ryan Ermacora (Canada, 2018, digital, 13’)
21:00 WEIGHTLESS PRESENT / BESTEŽINSKA SADAŠNJOST - films by militant audiovisual collective los Ingravidos from Mexico / Filmovi militantnog audiovizuelnog kolektiva Los Ingravidos iz Meksika
kustos / curated by: Almudena Escobar López + Q&A / razgovor sa kustoskinjom
10:00 7. Alternative film/video istraživački forum / 7 th Alternative Film/Video Research Forum: INTERNATIONAL KINO CLUB HISTORIES / MEĐUNARODNE ISTORIJE KINO-KLUBOVA
11:00 Radionica/ Workshop: Virtuelni film / Cinematic VR
mentori / mentors: Antonio Giacomin Fluido & Massimilano Borghesi
15:00 BEYOND CINEMA / S ONE STRANE FILMA - underground film and media of the 1960s and early 1970s in Austria / podzemni film i mediji 1960-ih i 1970-ih u Austriji
kustos / curated by: Gerald Weber + Q&A / razgovor sa kustosom
17:00 Regional currents / Regionalni tokovi: South by Southeast / Jug-Jugoistok
About Eye Around, Miloš Peškir, Serbia, 2018, 2 min
Brief Conversation About the D Word, Teona Galgoțiu, Romania, 2017, 14 min
I Know, Jovana Ikonic, Serbia, 2018, 5 min
A Gentle Breeze Passed Over Us, Pinar Ogrenci, Turkey, 2017, 5 min
The Silent Spring Seahorse, Bori Mate, Hungary, 2018, 8 min
What Time is Made Of, Diana Vidrascu, Romania/France, 2017, 10 min
Reassemble, Pleurad Xhafa, Albania, 2017, 7 min
Ships Still Don’t Come Ashore, Ivan Ramljak, Croatia, 2017, 3 min
19:00 Takmičarski program #3 / Competition program #3 (85 min)
1440 fotograms: Focus Puller, Tara Najd Ahmadi, Jurij Meden, Davorin Marc (Slovenia, 2017, 35mm, 1’00)
Transposition, Igor Toholj (Serbia, 5:25, digital)
Bottom of 6th Expos vs Mets July 3, 1973, Allan Brown (Canada, 2018, digital, 13’13)
How Flowers Never Became a Food Group, Charlotte Clermont and Alain Lefebvre (Canada, 2017, digital, 4’44)
Marilyn Monroe Wants to Speak With Warhol, Christian Flores (Spain, 2018, digital, 3’26)
Speech, Steve Hawley (UK, 2018, digital, 8’30)
It’s shit, Yves-Marie Mahé (France, 2018, digital, 4’)
the_other_images, Iris Blauensteiner (Austria, 2018, digital, 17’)
Pivot, Maki Satake (Japan, 2017, digital, 6’)
Confluence, Benjamin & Stefan Ramírez Pérez (Germany / Netherlands / Serbia, 2018, digital, 20’)
Scott Barley
11:00 KOLEKTIVizam / COLLECTIVism - okrugli sto / round table discussion
11:00 Radionica/ Workshop: Virtuelni film / Cinematic VR
mentori / mentors: Antonio Giacomin Fluido & Massimilano Borghesi
15:00 BLACK AND IN COLOR / CRNO I U BOJI - Yugoslav 1970‘s re-selected from the archive of the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen / Jugoslovenski filmovi 1970-ih re-izabrani iz arhiva Oberhauzena
kustos / curated by: Tobias Haring + Q&A / razgovor sa kustosom
17.00 Regional currents / Regionalni tokovi: South by Southeast / Jug-Jugoistok
Welcome, Davorin Marc, Slovenia, 2017, 3 min
Breaking Stones, Armando Lulaj, Albania, 2017, 10 min
Intermezzo, Sasa Petrovic, Serbia, 2018, 5 min
if you say it forty times, belit sağ, Turkey, 2017, 5 min
Nutrition Fugue, Peter Lichter, Hungary, 2018, 4 min
The Dog Trace, Neno Belchev, Bulgaria, 2018, 11 min
2202m, Irena Paskali, Macedonia, 2018, 3 min
Dokument Parakozmik, Vladislav Knezevic, Croatia, 2018, 19 min
Rouzbeh Rashidi + Q&A / razgovor sa autorom
21:00 Dodela nagrada / Awards ceremony
Projekcija filmova sa Liste značajnih ostvarenja festivala / Screening of films from the List of Significant Achievements
11:00 DISKUSIJA ŽIRIJA / JURY DISCUSSION - okrugli sto / round table discussion
13:00 KINETIK KOLEKTIV ASSEMBLY / OSNIVAČKA SKUPŠTINA - okrugli sto / round table discussion