Kalendar Događaja

6. WARM festival, SA

13. jul 2019.
13. jul 2019.

6. WARM FESTIVAL (10-13.7.2019.) Sarajevo


Kino Meeting Point

10:00 Different Views on Conflict and Post-Conflict Reporting - discussion with Cécile Hennion (journalist, Le Monde) on her book on Aleppo, Katia Jarjoura (filmmaker) on her films and work with Iraqi filmmakers, Paul Lowe (photographer and professor a the University of the Arts London), and Marija Ristić (director, Balkan Investigate Reporting Network)

moderated by Louis Monroy Santander


14:00 For a transdisciplinary approach to the individual and collective memories of traumatic events: the 13-November Paris attacks - discussion with Denis Peschanski (historian, French National Centre for Scientific Research)


17:00 Damir Šagolj: Through the Looking Glass - First 25 years - discussion with Damir Šagolj (photographer)


Academy of Fine Arts

18:00 Damir Šagolj: Through the Looking Glass - First 25 years - exhibition event with Damir Šagolj


Kino Meeting Point
20:00 Kabullywood (Afghanistan/France, 2019) - film

directed by Louis Meunier

21:30 WARM Festival closing party

David Mlađović, AP
20. Osječko ljeto kulture 2019