9. Мобил фестивал 2018, СК

24. novembar 2018.
24. novembar 2018.

9. МОБИЛ ФЕСТИВАЛ 2018 - меѓународниот фестивал за филмови снимени со мобилен телефон (16-24.11.2018.) Скопје

Cinematheque of Macedonia


The Dance by Dorijan Milovanovik (Macedonia)

Animare by Stefan Voivodov (Bulgaria)

Not See Not Hear Not Speak by Mostafa Gad (Egypt)

Happiness by Dimitar Dimitrov (Bulgaria)

The Mind Of An Artist: Don McCullin by Chenzhong Liu (UK)

Shoes by Filip Petreski (Macedonia)

Ailan by Jubrail Abubaker (Iraq)

Dear England by Marta Lemos (UK)

Robot with a Movie Camera by Max Schleser (Australia)

System Update by Levi Morris (USA)

Clickbait by Ryan Phillips (UK)

Shadows of a radio in the east by Nacho Recio (Spain)

Cousins of clouds by Romain Claris (France)

Ouroboros by Yihong Sun (Canada)

Wasted World by Jamillah van der Hulst (Netherlands)

The Sense by Kaan Atilla Taşkın (Turkey)

We The People by Michael D (USA)

Dark Side of the Earth by Aćim Vasić (France)

Magic World by Katya Vetrova (Russia)

int.room by Boris Takovski (Macedonia)

More by Marzieh Rasekh (Iran)

Fisso by Raito Yagami (Taiwan)

50. Revija hrvatskog filmskog stvaralaštva, ZG
Subotom u 6: Master art violinisti, BG