Kombank Dvorana, Dečanska 14, Beograd
BALKAN BIZNIS FORUM 2019: TRANSFORMACIJA - Budućnost liderstva i rast
08:30-09:30 Registracija
09.30-09:45 Otvaranje
09:45-11.30/12:00-13:45 prof. Herminia: Ibarra Act like a LEADER think like a LEADER - radionica
11.30-12:00 kafe pauza
13.45-15:00 pauza za ručak - VIP ručak
15:00-16:00 R. Paul Vuolle (CEO, Bellevue Advisors GmbH): Leading Through Rocky Waters - The Straight Shooter's Guide to Business Success - predavanje
16:00-17:00 Katherine Watson (direktor Marketinga, LexisNexis Risk Solutions): Visionary leadership communications - predavanje