Kalendar Događaja

Bordel Balkan, PR

28. april 2017.
28. april 2017.

National Theater of Kosovo, Prishtina

BORDEL BALKAN / In Albanian with English subtitles

Directed by: Urbán András
Music by: Irena Popovic Sada Dragovic
Costumes by: Yllka Brada

“Weep, weep you all
Weep, people, weep for the weeping does us no harm
Let’s purify our hearts and souls
From wrath and hatred that burdened us
Let’s purify ourselves from sins we might have done
When we accidentally killed a child
When we accidentally threw an old lady from the ninth floor
When we accidentally ripped off someone’s kidney
Weep, people, for the weeping does us no harm
The weeping purifies us, just like a detergent
Weep, for you have reasons to weep”

Kolekcija: 55 razloga za razmišljanje o prošlosti i sadašnjosti, SU
Moj deda je aut, BG