
Na sopstveni pogon - KORNET

12. oktobar 2011.
Na sopstveni pogon - KORNET
Na sopstveni pogon - KORNET

Kornet  je nastao kao nezavisna izdavačka kuća koju su stvorili Ilegalni poslastičari i njegova primarna aktivnost bila je izdavanje knjiga i multimedijalnih diskova. Prioriteti su bili u izdavanju mladih, uglavnom još neafirmisanih avangardnih pisaca, naročito u odnosu na dominantnu mejnstrim produkciju u zemlji.

Kornet je zatim nastavio s prevodnom književnošću evropske avangarde i pokreta (kao što su nadrealizam, dadaizam, futurizam…) s namerom da se suprotstavi nadirućem talasu osrednje književnosti i da regionu predstavi bolji uvid u evropske trendove.

Od raspada Ilegalnih poslastičara, Kornet više nije samo izdavačka kuća. Ova organizacija preuzela je deo aktivnosti ove grupe. Danas je član Nezavisne kulturne scene Srbije (osnovane septembra 2010). Kornet sarađuje s brojnim umetnicima I umetničkim grupama, ne samo u Srbiji nego u celom regionu bivše Jugoslavije.

Kornet d.o.o.
Kapetan Mišina 3, 11102 Beograd
t: +381.11.2637741, +381.11.2622102, +381.65.2637741
f: +381.11.2615060

Kornet is an initialy an independent publishing house created and owned by the art group Ilegalni poslastičari (Illegal Confectionars) and its primary activity is publishing books and multimedia discs. It priorities lies in publishing works of young, generally not yet established authors whose books are avant guarde, especially when compared to the mainstream literary production in the country.

Kornet has started a library of translatable literature committed to European avant guarde movements (like surrealism, futurism.......) with aim to confront to the tide wave of bad literature, and in this region contribute to the education a better insight into European trends. in

From the decay of Illegal Confectionars, Kornet is no longer only a publishing house. This orgabnization took over a part of the activities of this artistic group. It is now a member of Indipendent Cultural Scene of Serbia (founded in September 2010). Kornet works with lot of artists and artistic groups not only in Serbia, but in whole region of former Yugoslavia.

Kornet d.o.o.
Kapetan Mišina 3, 11102 Belgrade
t: +381.11.2637741, +381.11.2622102, +381.65.2637741
f: +381.11.2615060