31. Alternative film/video 2023, BG

6. decembar 2023.
6. decembar 2023.
Dom kulture Studentski grad, Beograd

31. ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2023 (6-9.12.2023.)



16.00 Pronađeni materijal i konstrukcija realnosti / Found footage and the construction of reality - radionica / workshop
mentor: Robin Kötzle

19.00 Marko Ubović: Aiming At Me? - izložba / exhibition

20.00 Otvaranje festivala / Festival opening

Takmičarski / Competition program 1a + 1b



12.00 Pronađeni materijal i konstrukcija realnosti / Found footage and the construction of reality - radionica / workshop
mentor: Robin Kötzle

16.00 Sonjin septembar / Sonja’s September 2023 - promocija kataloga / Sonja Savic Catalog launch

18.00 belit sağ: Remembering Otherwise - artist program

20.00 Takmičarski / Competition program 2a + 2b

22.00 What Happens in Zvezda (2023, 55') - film
dir. Robin Kötzle



12.00 Pronađeni materijal i konstrukcija realnosti / Found footage and the construction of reality - radionica / workshop
mentor: Robin Kötzle

16.00 AFC aktuelna produkcija / Academic Film Center, Recent Productions

18.00 Dušica Dražić - artist program

20.00 Takmičarski / Competition program 3a + 3b



11.00 O festivalu / About the Festival - okrugli sto / round table discussion (na engleskom / in english)

Selektor, žiri i svi zainteresovani / Selector, jury and public
16.00 Projekcije seksa / Screening Sex: Pornographic and Anti-pornographic Images in Yugoslav Alternative Film Since the 1970s - arhivski program / archival program

Kustos / Curated by Matthias Meindl

18.00 Igor Simić: I’m a Content Creator - artist program

20.00 Zatvaranje festivala / Closing ceremony

Lista značajnih ostvarenja / List of Significant Achievements


Stefan Ilić, NS
Dragan Dangubić, BG