
Stirnimann-Stojanović na festivalima performansa u Pragu i Cirihu

13. jun 2020.

Švajcarsko-srpski umetnički duo Stirnimann-Stojanović učestvuje tokom juna na međunarodnim onlajn festivalima performansa u Pragu i Cirihu angažovanim umetničkim radom “What if the walls were more flexible”, koji tematizuje životne i radne uslove u Srbiji u vezi sa trenutnom situacijom.

Reč je o festivalima Performance Crossings, koji se održava od 11. do 13. juna u Pragu, te ciriškom festivalu Supermarket 7/11, koji traje od od 8. do 19. juna.

Autobiografski narativ umetnika Stirnimann-Stojanović prenesen je putem fotografija i teksta, a cilj tog rada, prema navodima autora, jeste da istakne saradnju unutar društvenih slojeva, samoorganizacija i kolektivne moći unutar zajednice i lokalnog konteksta. S druge strane, rad se odnosi i na različite građanske inicijative, organizacije koje demonstriraju različite oblike otpora i podrške.

Umetničko delo “What if the walls were more flexible” zamišljeno je za onlajn digitalne platforme i posebno je predstavljeno preko Instagram naloga festivala u Pragu i Cirihu.


WHAT IF THE WALLS WERE MORE FLEXIBLE? 2020 for Performance Crossings, @cross_attic Prague CZ and Supermarket 7/11, @theaterneumarkt Zürich CH Crocheted brick, white rope, 13 x 26 x 7 cm (37 layers) by @stirnimann_stojanovic with V. Stojanovic (crochet), @arcane_divination (photo) and @neko_na_d (performer) This brick has been crocheted by Stefan‘s mother. She is affected by the 50+ (age) job loss in Serbia which is mainly the result of political corruption and autocratic oppression. As one who decided to resist and refused to take part in imposed political activities and corrupt systems, she was left to very limited options to sustain herself (for ex.: temporary factory jobs abroad). In order to avoid that, we decided to develop an artwork together under fair labour conditions. For three months, she was crocheting part-time. In parallel, she invested one hour per day improving her English skills with Stefan in order to raise her chances of finding work in her field abroad. Interdependent collective support. #resistance @protiv.diktature Against dictatorship @nedavimobeograd Don't Let Belgrade D(r)own @bojkotbojkot20 Boycott With noise against dictatorship @cuvarivatre People keeping the flame #studentinećute Students don’t shut up @_1od5miliona 1 of 5 million #počeloje It has started @gradjanskifront_nis Citizens’ front #gradjanskaneposlusnost Civil disobedience #PobunjeniGradovi Rebellious cities #digniglas Raise your voice @inicijativa.zena.srbije Initiative for the women of Serbia #collectivepower #democracy #antifascism #solidarity #korupcija Corruption #uzbunjivači Whistleblower #aleksandarobradovic Arrested for exposing Krushik, weapon industry #pravdazamarijulukic Justice for Mariju Lukuc (sexual abuse) #plagijat Plagiarism #slobodamedija Freedom of medias #analalic Arrested journalist @pravdazajovanu Arrested musician @n1srbija & @nova.rs_porta & @nedeljnikmagazin & Medias which are not pro-government #art #contemporaryart #performanceart #socialengagedart #politicalart #artinpublicsphere #digitalart Promoted IG post: audience in SRB, CZ, and CH.

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Nathalie Stirnimann (1990) iz Švajcarske i Stefan Stojanović (1993) iz Srbije aktivni su kao umetnički duo od 2015. godine i trenutno se nalaze u Cirihu, gde su završili master studije na Univerzitetu umetnosti. U okviru svoje umetničke prakse, zanimaju ih društveni strukturalni slojevi kao i testiranje granica umetnosti, aktivizma i društva kroz transdisciplinarne pristupe.

Neka od mesta u kojima je rad kolektiva Stirnimann-Stojanović bio izložen su: McaM u Šangaju, Morni Hills performans umetničko bijenale u Čandigaru u Indiji, La Tertulia muzej u Kaliju u Kolumbiji, Manifesta u Cirihu i Fri Art Kunsthalle u Friburu Friburg u Švajcarskoj, Performans festival Turku u Finskoj, Umetnički prostor U10 u Beogradu, Action!MAD u Muzeju Reina Sofia u Madridu, Circuits and Currents u Atini, Stadtgalerie u Bernu.

