Milena Markovic: One needs to understand and love, and read Kant
Poet and playwright Milena Markovic, winner of the NIN Award for the novel "Children", believes that everything that is happening today in the world,...
Poet and playwright Milena Markovic, winner of the NIN Award for the novel "Children", believes that everything that is happening today in the world,...
Montenegrin writer and poet Balsa Brkovic believes that the worst legacy of the pandemic is that it has led to excessive fear, which usually turns people into...
Pesnikinja i dramska autorka Milena Marković, dobitnica NIN-ove nagrade za roman “Deca”, smatra da sve što se dešava danas u svetu – kada je tema pandemije već...
Fenomen preseljenja umetnika i radnika u kulturi iz urbanih u ruralne sredine tokom pandemije korona virusa u fokusu je projekta „Nova mobilnost za novu normalnost“, u okviru...
Der Architekt und Bühnenbildner Radivoje Dinulović, Professor an der Fakultät für Bühnenbild an der Fakultät für Technische Wissenschaften der Universität Novi...
Crnogorski pisac i pesnik Balša Brković smatra da je najgora tekovina pandemije to što je dovela do preteranog straha, koji ljude po pravilu pretvara u...
Architect and Set Designer Radivoje Dinulović, professor at the Department of Stage Design at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad,...
Theater director Kokan Mladenović believes that many changes are awaiting us in the post pandemic period. Among other things, the theater will have to be...
Umetnički i životni par Lusija Lakara i Metju Golding izvešće na 19. Beogradskom festivalu igre (BFI), 17. marta u Madlenianumu, predstavu “...
Arhitekta i scenograf Radivoje Dinulović, profesor na Katedri za scenski dizajn Fakulteta tehničkih nauka Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, smatra da nas je...
Luka Marjanović: Nevolje u raju, Galerija Doma omladine Beograda, 11-23. jun 2024.