Painting by Zoran Popović, ‘I Never Promised You an Avant Garden’ (dimensions: 163 x 243,8 cm), acrylic on canvas, Chicago 1983. Photo: Ivan Petrović.
In Chicago, 1983, Zoran Popovic, painted a painting ‘I Never Promised You an Avant Garden’. This painting shows faithfully replicated one of Zoran Popovic’s drawings (A4 format) which, with over forty drawings of this type, makes the opening credits of the Zoran Popović's film: I Never Promised You an Avant Garden (16mm film, color, sound, 24 fps, Chicago-New York, 1980).
Price of painting: 111.000 Euros
Slika Zorana Popovića ‘I Never Promised You an Avant Garden’, akrilik na platnu, Čikago-Njujork, 1983. Foto: Ivan Petrović
Verno je preslikan crtež (A4 formata) Zorana Popovića, koji sa oko četrdeset crteža tog tipa čini uvodnu špicu filma Zorana Popovića: ‘I Never Promised You an Avant Garden’ (film 16mm, u boji, zvučni, 24 fps, Čikago-Njujork, 1980).
Cena slike: 111.000 evra