Belt-tightening for the Slovenian independent artist scene
Some of the key organizations from the Slovenian independent scene in the field of performing arts were left without financial support from the Ministry of Culture of Slovenia...
Some of the key organizations from the Slovenian independent scene in the field of performing arts were left without financial support from the Ministry of Culture of Slovenia...
Einige der wichtigsten Organisationen der slowenischen unabhängigen Szene im Bereich der darstellenden Künste blieben bei der jüngsten Programmausschreibung für die nächsten...
Die Coronavirus-Pandemie hat in den letzten zwei Jahren die Arbeitsweise von Theater- und Filmgesellschaften in Belgrad sowie die Festivals der Stadt drastisch beeinträchtigt,...
The Coronavirus pandemic in the past two years has drastically affected the way theater and film companies do business in Belgrade, as well as the City's festivals, and their...
Budžet za kulturu i informisanje u Srbiji u 2022. godini veći je od ovogodišnjeg za oko dve milijarde dinara, ali je u odnosu na ukupan državni budžet, koji je...
Majk Vajt (Mike White) pisac, reditelj i producent, kreirao je mini-seriju za HBO "Beli lotos" (The White Lotus) u kojoj i sam učestvuje, ali u ulozi reditelja i pisca...
"Pripreme da budemo zajedno u nepoznatom periodu vremena" (Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time / Felkészülés meghatározatlan ideig tartó...
Kulturno dobro i istorija filma na ovim prostorima – neki su od opisa dugogodišnje karijere legendarne srpske i jugoslovenske glumice...
Hodati veličanstveno i time prizivati božanski duh deluje daleko čudesnije nego poskočiti i zgrčiti se u vazduhu na neki nepojmljiv način, i ostaviti tako tek sliku o sebi...
Selidba umetničkih i kulturnih programa u virtuelno okruženje, iako blagotvorna za građane primorane da provode vreme u izolaciji zbog pandemije korona virusa, ne može ipak da...
Luka Marjanović: Nevolje u raju, Galerija Doma omladine Beograda, 11-23. jun 2024.